Thursday 13 September 2007

ACEO - Well... um... Because it's bedtime???

Monty wanted Susan to do the slipper challenge thing - Rosie didn't want her to do it.

This is the little logo for it: hahaha - poxie thing - just when Rosie thinks she's got the hang of the technology it spits in her eye again. We're going to simply ignore it. With dignity.

Anyway - Susan did the slipper challenge anyway being a bit of a rebel, and trying to show she's not completely under the paw.

Monty thinks it's hilarious. Rosie is most disapproving - muttering under her dogsbreath something about showing Border collies up as being dozy. Monty said some dogs just were dozy anyway - even (and he lowered his bark) some Border collies.

He liked the picture - laughed so much he fell off the shelf he'd squashed himself onto. Of course, THAT did make Rosie laugh.

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mousewords said...

Susan, you have me laughing out loud! I love Monty and Rosie's adventures! :):)


Johann The Dog said...

I love this one!!!!

montyandrosie said...

Thanks, johann - we've just worked out how to add your link to us, too. We're gonna lie down now...

montyandrosie said...

Thank you, Christine. We like your laughter, too - it's like mellow barks on an evening breeze, soothing the ruffled fur.

Kate Hardy said...

What a concept! I mentioned it to my springer. He gave me a pained look that said he'd much rather carry them round in his mouth and distribute them round the garden (as he does with all the other shoes in the house).

mousewords said...

Thank you, Monty and Rosie, that's sweet!

You know, our dog has doggie booties that she has to wear on walks sometimes because of allergies with her paws. She looks JUST like this. :):)

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I'm a writer and artist. Dogs tend to feature in my writings and pictures rather a lot - living under the paw like I do...

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