- it was puzzling, though, how he didn't always get the appreciation he expected
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Monty and Rosie are the Border Collie dogs who keep an eye on that Susan Alison - or at least on her artwork and news of her books, which they round up and post on this blog on a regular basis.
I *know* this dog! And I know that expression. And I know that as I lunge at him with strangulation in mind, he'll bound off, tail wagging assuming it's all a game.
Me too. Me too. Don't we all know dogs just like this one. How adorable.
Ah ha! So it's YOUR dog who keeps coming round and 'helping out' in the garden, Penny! Might have known... (am sending him right back, having told him that you need his help more than I do...)
Thank you, Anon! I think what I really like about these dogs is just the way that they see absolutely EVERYTHING as a game. If only we did, life would be so much more fun!
Ah well, we don't have a dog, but it could have been next-door's. And we have noticed unprecedented mole activity this year (and I don't mean MI5)
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