Monday, 6 February 2012

Thank you so much, Sri Devi! For fabulous post about my artwork. Am dead chuffed!

How lovely of Sri Devi to go to all the trouble to write this post - what a brill person! Thank you so much! (link below)

Click here for: Sending messages on the stars and the moon post on Sri Devi's blog

And that's not all - Sri Devi then nominated my 'Starry, starry night' card in a contest. Click here if you'd like to vote.

Starry, starry night - number 11

That Tweet button lets you tweet this post just like that! It's magic - here's another one (oh, go onnnnnnnn - tweet it...):

      or pin it: Pin It


  1. Hi Susan!!!
    Your card is still ahead of the herd!
    Monty and Rosie are pros at rounding up their friends to vote.
    There's still a wee bit to go, so keep on voting folks!
    Thanks for sharing the post Sending Messages on the Stars and the Moon.
    Best of luck Susan, you deserve it!
    Cheers and Best Wishes!
    Sri Devi

  2. Thank you!

    Hugs to you, too. (Can never have too many hugs, I reckon.)

  3. Thank you, Sri Devi! I am so chuffed by your original post. I think it must be one of my all time favorites about my artwork.

  4. I am so happy, Montie and Rosie, for all the kudos you're getting! You deserve them all. btw, tell Susan she done good. ;)

  5. Monty & Rosie, you deserve all the kudos you get, and this contest seems to be bearing that out! Hope you win! Tell Susan she 'done good.' ;)

  6. Jolis - how lovely of you to visit and say such nice things! High-paw to you from Monty and Rosie and Jeff-Dog! (Susan's gone all blushy and stammery so she can't answer, but we know she'd say thank you, too!)

  7. Hi Monty and Rosie

    We aren't as fast at herding as you, being short legged cattle dogs (aka Corgis), but we managed to round up our hoomuns last night (with a bit of judicious ankle nipping) and made sure they voted for your card.

    Make sure you tell Susan how fortunate she is to have such lovely dogs.

    Love from Spencer and Phoebe

  8. Spencer and Phoebe! How totally fab to see you here - and thank you so much for getting your hoomuns in order and getting them to vote. We're hoping that if Susan gets enough votes we'll be rewarded with extra bones and gravy. Although, of course, we do like her card, too. We mean, it's not just cos of the extra bones and gravy. Oh, woof - of course it's cos of the card. (teehee)

  9. Hi Monty and Rosie!

    Have some fab news to share, your good selves rounded up enough votes to win the contest, Susan's card wins and definitely that gravy and those extra bones shall be yours!

    Could you please congratulate Susan for me and let her know that she has the choice of 5 free card credits from Greeting Card Universe or a $10 gift certificate from Amazon.

    Corrie Kuipers (the organiser of this contest) would like me to find out which prize Susan prefers, so maybe while you are enjoying your extra treats together you could ask for me. I'd really appreciate it!

    Hugs and Congratulations!
    Sri Devi

    P.S. Your help made me win a prize too, just like Susan - High Paw!!!

  10. Woohoo!!! Bones and gravy!!! Extra!!! Thank you, Sri - it's all due to your original, brilliant post about Susan's artwork - that's what did it. That post will remain a favorite of ours probably for the rest of time!

    We'll get Susan to email you.
