Friday, 21 December 2012

Some people just couldn't take their wine gums...

These kennel parties could get embarrassing...

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Sunday, 18 November 2012

And another creation from the fab Gail Pennycuick from one of my designs on

I love what she does with my designs... Thank you, Gail!

But... I don't want to be Rudolph
He was Rudolph every year - it wasn't fair! He wanted to be Santa for a change...

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Friday, 16 November 2012

A creation from the fab Gail Pennycuick from one of my designs on

...And a poo-oodle in a pear tree...

(These are the correct words for this song - the original words.) (Yeah, they are. Honest. Yeah.) (Uh... well...)

On the 12th day of Christmas
my true love sent to me
12 Dachshunds digging,
11 Pit Bulls peeing,
10 Labs a-leaping,
9 Dalmatians dancing,
8 Mutts a-moulting,
7 Spaniels swimming,
6 Greyhounds Gazing,
5 Gordon Setters,
4 Border Collies,
3 Fox Hounds,
2 Cute Corgis,
And a poo-dle in a pear tree!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Michael's funeral takes place next Wednesday 24th October in Bristol, UK. If you would like details drop me message.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Poodle looking to the starry skies greeting cards

Looking for inspiration - and finding it
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New Poodle, tri BC, Greyhound greeting cards...

He was modest about his achievements - our Greyhound gardener's been helping out again...

Tricolor Border Collie in the firelight

This black Poodle was not yet confident on the ice - but soon would be.

And - The cup that cheers... and does not inebriate...
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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Autumn's in the air... (and the leaf-scrunching begins...)

Yep - autumn's in the air. (...time for leg warmers, blanket over knees as work at desk, fingerless gloves, hot toddies and the central heating - brrrr...)
...scrnunch, crunch, scrunch, scrnunchy in the leaves...
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Sunday, 16 September 2012

You can't come in here with those muddy feet!!!

You can't come in here with those muddy feet!!!
(...honestly, these hoomuns - they go out and run about, no matter what the weather, and then expect to just trot back in the house without a care in the world and with no thought for the pup who cleans the floors...)

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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Herding was in their blood, but ice skating was in their soul...

Ice skating

Our Corgis didn’t realise it was Fate
that first led them to strap on boots,
step paw onto ice and skate
away from their herding roots.

Skating took them over, engulfed them in a flood
of feeling as though finally they were whole,
because although herding was in their blood,
ice skating was in their soul.

from: 'The Corgi Games' (now available in full colour paperback) 
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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

New mousemats - knitting cats and singing Corgis

Corgi Chess
I've been asked to increase my mousemat range - so I have! By some singing cats and Corgis and some chess-playing Corgis and knitting cats.

Meowy Christmas OR Cat Choir

The Knitwear Sisters (Knitting was thicker than blood in the knitwear sisters' case.)

The Welsh Corgi Howl Choir

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Thursday, 19 July 2012

'The Corgi Games' is out in paperback now! Woohoo!

It's a bit slim, but then, I'm used to handling novels rather than books of illustrated doggerel. The illustrations throughout the book are all in full colour. I'm quite chuffed with it, actually - it's been created through Amazon's CreateSpace program. Here's another pic from it:
Sack Racing
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Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Panting and grunting and panting some more,
almost drowning out the cheers;
little legs pumping, paws getting sore.

Tongue flapping,
lolloping ears;
paws on the trail slapping.

Focussing on the music your body makes,
forgetting all your fears;
forgetting all your pains and aches…

Each paw thud sets the tone,
the ground flies by, hurt disappears.
RacerCorgi is in The Zone.

(until someone yells: “Supper!” - and then he’s not…)

This is another pic and verse from The Corgi Games....

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Saturday, 16 June 2012

'The Corgi Games' (book) puts in an appearance...

Of course, the Queen's Jubilee AND the London Olympics in the same year begs for combination - hence - The Corgi Games - in which Welsh Corgi dogs engage in various forms of sport (including sack racing) in their usual stylish and winning way. In rhyme. Natch.

The Corgi Games is on Amazon for Kindle, but not yet in paperback - I've not used Amazon's CreateSpace before for paperbacks so that's a wait and see thing, really. Of course, the pics on your Kindle (unless you have a fancy one) will be in black and white, but I've made the paperback full colour so I'm waiting pretty impatiently to see that one... Anyway, here it is - it's received its first review so I'm chuffed. (Why do I always feel so shy about announcing new books etc??). The formatter I used was brilliant but of course so much depends on the size the reader makes their font...


I hadn't really taken on board how little of the book would be seen in the sample so I'm putting another sample on here - I'll put the Sledding verse and pic:


He loved going so fast
that everything went by in a blur.
It was such a blast
to have the wind race through his fur.

Speeding along was a thrill,
and always to win
with never a spill
produced such a big grin!

(The only trouble came when he forgot his mouth guard
and he’d get to the finish line with his tongue frozen hard
to his shoulder, which was always a pain,
and absolute agony til it thawed out again.)

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Monday, 14 May 2012

English Setters thinking about nap...

Maybe I'll rest my eyes for a while...
Just thinking 'bout resting my eyes...
Oh, all right, I'll rest my eyes for a while...

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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Not that we're obsessed with headgear or anything... Oh, orl rite - maybe we are... Cats & gazehound

The knitwear sisters
(knitting was thicker than blood in their case)

It was her Wild Bill Hickok look (in pink)
She'd patented her patchwork medley mask
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Monday, 30 April 2012

Border Collie dog happy in pink beanie

He wasn't afraid to wear pink 
Anyway - it kept his ears warm
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Undercover cloche cat

Undercover cloche cat
(She knew no one would recognise her in this hat. She never wore it unless she was undercover. Usually it would be a trilby.)
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Slim dog in summer hat feeling a bit shy

She was a bit shy
And would retreat under her hat if anyone barked at her.

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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Jeff-Dog looking jaundiced for good reason...

This is Jeff-Dog looking all suspicious. He's looking like that - all jaundiced - because he knows what I'm like with a camera....

And - what do you know??? Here he is again looking like he's only got three legs.... (He was right to be suspicious.)

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Saturday, 14 April 2012

And some more OlympiCorgi Games - the sprinters, the a-bounce-a-day-club and volley ball

The sprinters
(thundering along, thunder, thunder...)

A bounce a day
(keeps the doctor away)

Trying hard not to use teeth...
(It would be so much easier to just snatch the thing out of the air!)
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Friday, 13 April 2012

And some more OlympiCorgi Games - skiing, sledding, whaddya mean somersaulting isn't an Olympic sport? and then there's Taekwondog...

It was just him and the snow (and his thoughts).

He was a speed fiend

She greeted every morning with a somersault

Taekwondog(Uh - these Corgis are playing - no Corgis were harmed in the creation of this pic.) (jus sayin)   

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And yet more OlympiCorgi Games - rowing, sack racing (well - it should be an Olympic sport), sailing, and the shot put - of course.

Victory gestures ain't what they used to be...

Yeah - we know sack racing isn't part of the Olympics - but it should be!!! Yeah!

Oh, for a life on the Ocean Wave...

Like an eagle caged I pine, on this dull unchanging shore.
Oh give me the flashing brine! The spray and the tempest roar!
( least until that cold and wet old rain does pour...)

A life on the ocean wave! A home on the rolling deep!
Where the scattered waters rave, and the winds their revels keep!
(...which is all well and fine until they disturb my sleep...)

(Jus' sayin')

Putting the shot where it needs to go.
(And he always resisted taking it in his mouth and simply running off with it. What a good OlympiCorgi!!!)

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More OlympiCorgi Games - fencing, high jump, pair skating, mutt lifting...

Avast! Have at ye!
Ack! Ya got me!
(These are all technical terms. Natch.)

She'd looked everywhere for that frisbee, and couldn't see it from this angle either.
They were in a world of their own...

Mutt lifting

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The OlympiCorgi Games - archery, artistic dognastics, basket ball, bowls - why aren't bowls part of these Olympics? Grrr

(Nice grouping!!!)
(Bone targets were his specialty.)

The artistic dognastics

Basket ball for the OlympiCorgis never really took off...

There's nothing like a serene afternoon of bowls on the green. The OlympiCorgis take their bowls very seriously indeed and simply can't understand why their sport isn't in the Olympics this year. (grrrrrrr)

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