Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Jeff-Dog looking jaundiced for good reason...

This is Jeff-Dog looking all suspicious. He's looking like that - all jaundiced - because he knows what I'm like with a camera....

And - what do you know??? Here he is again looking like he's only got three legs.... (He was right to be suspicious.)

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  1. Hi MontyandRosie,

    Ah, Jeff-Dog is so precious. Personally, I like his pose. (o:

    Hugs ♥

  2. Thank you, Prudence. Jeff-Dog is always worried about what Susan might do with the camera. There's no saying what the photos will be like... Lovely to see you! Hugs and high-paw from us.

  3. Well hello Jeff-Dog we think you are very handsome. We know all about that flashy box.Nothing but trouble!!
    Bear hugs from
    Sweet pea
    & me, their mama

  4. Thank you very much! Jeff-Dog is blushing under his fur. This is Rosie woofing - I am sooo impressed with your idea of posting off furpals you don't want around. The only trouble is I can't find a box big enough for Monty-Dog, so he might have to stay... Great idea though!!!

  5. Spencer and Phoebe26 April 2012 at 12:57

    Hello Jeff-Dog, we are so pleased to have met you at last. We think you are an extremely handsome B.C. and totally agree with you about those nasty camera things, you never know what might be lurking inside. Love from Spencer and Phoebe.

  6. Aww. Jeff-Dog is adorable. So handsome!

  7. Thank you, Spencer and Phoebe! We're gonna need some pics of you on here soon - how fab to have our favorite Corgis gracing this Border Collie blog - well - it is for pals as well. Furpals and naked ones, too.

  8. Ooh, Shirley! Jeff-Dog is your cyber slave now. He can take any amount of compliments and keep coming back for more.
