Monday, 24 October 2011

Every Sunday this Corgi dog took his hoomun for a nice drive...


  1. Hi MontyandRosie,

    Love this. Yes, gotta take care of our "hoomuns".

    We've missed ya. Everything okay?

    Heaps of Hugs

  2. Thank you, Prudence!

    Am just over-run with too many things that need doing including thundering up and down motorway to keep eye on relative who's had major surgery.

    Jeff-Dog helped things along a lot by having an accident and needing his own surgery to remove entire main claw.

    Am just feeling a bit frazzled and net getting everything done, but will survive.

    Hugs to you, too.


  3. Aw, I love this. The details are great - like the Corgi badge and the JoyRidersRUs plate. Great fun. :)

    I hope life soon settles down for you.

  4. Thank you, Shirley! Glad you like the pic and its details. Sometimes I wonder if I make some things too obscure. Same with my writing. It's nice to know it works though.

  5. I liked your book! Gonna buy the other one now! Claire

  6. Claire - thank you so much! (and - lovely to see you here!) I hope you enjoy the second book too!
