Monday, 3 January 2011

Ballroom cats ; A whippet's choice of decorations ; Corgial greetings ; A break from partying ; and Dawn of a New Day

Ballroom cats

(Ballroom dancing covered two things from their New Year resolution list - exercise and more togetherness)

He'd been in charge of decorations this year

(you can possibly see his influence in the choice of bauble - placed just right to maintain a delicate aesthetic balance - with his own paw, no less)

Corgial greetings to everyone!


(his festive season was pretty exhausting)

Dawn of a new day

- with all its infinite possibilities...

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  1. Love all these! That full cat could be Merlin! (Merlin if he was a lot more ginger and white, that is)

  2. I bet Merlin's got the moves, too. I bet he's a really suave and debonair cat. Oh, yes!
