Monty and Rosie are the Border Collie dogs who keep an eye on that Susan Alison - or at least on her artwork and news of her books, which they round up and post on this blog on a regular basis.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Border Collie painting 7"x5" - Moving Day - The Border Collie Way
Monty: Aaaah - it's moving day - having to say goodbye to old holes in the garden and old bones and old, worn spots on the carpet. Sad innit?
Rosie: Not at all - it's saying hello to new holes in the garden and new bones and new, not-yet-worn spots on the carpet. It's exciting!
Monty: Yeah, I suppose. Anyway, that dog's doing it right isn't he?
Rosie: Well, as long as they haven't forgotten his toys and his owners and as long as they don't get dirty paw marks on his kennel.
Monty: Arf!
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LOL I love this one.