Saturday, 15 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Let me in...

Rosie: Yeah! Let him in! Let him in!

Monty: Aroooooo - let him in.

Susan: He IS in - it's just symbolic of all the ones that aren't.

Rosie: Well, that's why we're howling.

Monty: Yeah. That's why we're howling.

Susan: Okay. I'm howling too.

Click here for ebay auction which starts for a mere $9.99 (less than a fiver); also Buy it Now items

Click here for collieish present ideas

Thanks for looking. It would be lovely if you left a comment below for us to drool over or even to bark back at.

Or drop us a bark


  1. Hi Susan!

    I love your border collie art! It looks like your breed grabbed your heart like pugs did mine. I think we have a lot in common.:) It is very nice to meet you, Monty and Rosie.
    Happy Holidays!
    Melissa and Emmitt

  2. Hello Melissa and Emmitt - thank you so much for your comment - it's always lovely when people find their way here and leave their mark. We have known pugs - they are dogs of great character. Happy Holidays to you, too!!!

    Monty and Rosie and Susan
