Saturday, 29 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Dog n Mog #4 B Frens

Monty: Coo - their gett fyt resolushun didn't last long did it?

Rosie: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Thursday, 27 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - A New Year is Breaking (2008)

Monty: Great. New Year Resolutions. I've got loads. What are your New Year Resolutions, Rosie?

Rosie: Oh, you know - the usual.

Monty: The usual?

Rosie: Oh, yeah - you know - eat more gravy and bones, play more hunt the rope, get Susan even more under the paw. What are yours?

Monty: Oh, you know - er... Um... The er, average stuff. Lose weight. Get more exercise. Be more organised. You know.

Muffled snort from Rosie's direction.

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Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Happy Border Collie Christmas!

We wish you a merry Christmas! Aroo, aroo

We wish you a merry Christmas! Aroo

We wish you a merry Christmasssssssssssss............ (aroo) and a Happy Newaroo Yearrrrrrrrrrrrr! Aroo, aroo.

To you from us. You take care out there.

Monty and Rosie and Susan

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Let me in...

Rosie: Yeah! Let him in! Let him in!

Monty: Aroooooo - let him in.

Susan: He IS in - it's just symbolic of all the ones that aren't.

Rosie: Well, that's why we're howling.

Monty: Yeah. That's why we're howling.

Susan: Okay. I'm howling too.

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Thursday, 13 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Dog n Mog #2 - All aboard the Whirlidog!

Monty: Ooh, that looks fun. I need a cat.

Rosie: Yeah - get me one while you're at the cat store.

Monty, regarding Rosie suspiciously: I mean, I need a cat to do the whirlidog thing.

Rosie, innocently: Yeah, and me.

Monty: Hmmm. Maybe I'll manage without for now.

Rosie: Spoilsport!

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Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Border collie ACEOs x 3 - photo story: Recipe for Life

Monty: Ooh, look - it's the Thorns of Life!

Rosie: No, it's not - it's a load of cactuses.

Monty: Cacti. And it's symbolic of the Thorns of Life.

Rosie: Symbolic. Shymbolic. Bleugh.

Monty: And now - you add a Border collie to the Thorns of Life and see what happens.

Rosie: Prickles in your paws probably.

Monty: No. Add a Border collie and then Bask in the Garden life has become.

Rosie: Life has become a garden because there's a Border collie in it?

Monty: That's right.

Rosie: Oh, well. That's right. That's what I've always said. All along.

Monty: Yes, Rosie.

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Saturday, 8 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - The Hollymutt Fairy

Monty: Yayyy - it's the Hollymutt Fairy!

Rosie: Do you think that get-up is uncomfortable?

Monty: Nah - not for the Hollymutt Fairy.

Rosie: But it looks all spiky...

Monty: Well, it would be spiky and uncomfortable for anyone else but not for the Hollymutt fairy.

Rosie: Right. Is that a life lesson, Monty?

Monty: Uh... Um... Yeah. I think...

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Friday, 7 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - When Christmas trees were tall

Rosie: What does that mean? Christmas trees are ALWAYS tall.

Monty: It means that they were taller when we were smaller. It's symbolic of how time takes us from puppyhood to full on doghood and how we change and how we see things differently.

Rosie: That's daft! I mean, they get taller if you lie down too. And they get smaller if you're further away.

Monty: I despair.

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Thursday, 6 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Just call me Rudolph

Monty: Ooh, look, it's Rudolph the red-nosed reinpup! Yayyyyyyyy - Rudolph!

Rosie: That's not Rudolph - that's that annoying little pup from round the corner. The one who's always squirming into our garden and pinching our rope knot. What's its name? Hmmm - Sebastian! That's not Rudolph.

Monty: Don't be mean, Rosie. It's Rudolph.

Rosie: But it's not Rudolph...

Monty: Rosie, I don't often put my paw down, but this time, just humour me - it's Rudolph.

Rosie: Yes, Monty.

Monty: Boiled bones! Rosie! (puts paw on her brow)

Rosie: Shuddup.

Monty: Yes, Rosie.

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Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Dog n Mog #1 We're pals. Yes, we are!

Monty: Yayyyyyyyyyy - Dog n Mog are baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!

Rosie: Yayyyyyyyyyy - Dog n Mog are baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!

Monty: Mog is sooooooooo sweet, so fluffy and sweet.

Rosie: To growl with fluffy and sweet. This time Dog's gonna win!

Monty: But Mog is soooooooo cute and little and fluffy....

Rosie: All the more reason why Dog should win!

Monty: Yes, Rosie.

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Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Forest morning

Monty: Ooh, just imagine the peace, the tranquility, birds singing, little creatures rustling in the undergrowth, buds unfurling to greet a new day...

Rosie: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Monday, 3 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Raiders of the lost bark

Monty: Those blighters - fancy nicking the Lost Bark. It's a howling crime.

Rosie: No worries. Harris and Dog got it back. No worries.

Monty: No worries? What's with you? Whaddyamean, no worries?

Rosie: I've gone Aussie today. Back tomorrow.

Monty: No worries, then.

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Sunday, 2 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Up close and furry

Monty: Yayyyyyyy - it's ol' furry face.

Rosie: Yayyyyyyyyyy - furry face!

Monty: Who IS furry face?

Rosie: I dunno. Thought you knew him.

Monty: Er... Yayyyyyyyyy - it's ol furry face.

Rosie: Yayyyyyyy - furry face!

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Border collie ACEO - Holly, bold and jolly

Monty standing upright, paw on chest, declaiming:

Here’s a poem by Christina Rossetti, about holly and other plants…

A ROSE has thorns as well as honey,
I’ll not have her for love or money;
An iris grows so straight and fine
That she shall be no friend of mine;
Snowdrops like the snow would chill me;
Nightshade would caress and kill me;
Crocus like a spear would fright me;
Dragon’s-mouth might bark or bite me;
Convolvulus but blooms to die;
A wind-flower suggests a sigh;
Love-lies-bleeding makes me sad;
And poppy-juice would drive me mad: –
But give me holly, bold and jolly,
Honest, prickly, shining holly;
Pluck me holly leaf and berry
For the day when I make merry.

Rosie: Humphf. So - A Rosie has thorns as well as honey,
I’ll not have her for love or money - is that so?

Monty: Um. Er. It's only a poem, Rosie.

Rosie: Humphf. What about a Monty, then? What about a Monty? A Monty has, um, has smells as well as fur and I'll not have him for bones and gravy. Hmmm - well, um, mabye for bones and gravy... But I wouldn't have him for spinach. No! See!

Monty: Yes, Rosie. Actually, life would be grey and sad without you.

Rosie: Urk! Shuddup, Lunkhead!

Monty: Yes, Rosie.

Click here for ebay auction which starts for a mere $9.99 (less than a fiver); also Buy it Now items

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Saturday, 1 December 2007

Border collie ACEO - Trailing clouds of magic

Monty: Ahhhhhh....... Santa Claus, reindeer, presents, candy bones, starry nights, snow on the rooftops, children pretending they've been good all year. Yes, it's good to be alive.

Rosie: Did you post my letter?

Monty: What letter?

Rosie: My letter to Santa.

Monty: Ah ha! You DO believe. I knew it!

Rosie: No, I don't. I'm just humouring you. Did you post it?

Monty: Yes, Rosie.

Rosie: Okay. Now, don't forget the lengths I go to to keep you happy Monty.

Monty: Yes, Rosie.

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