One of things that is so neat about ACEOs (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) is that their only restriction is size. They must always be 2.5" x 3.5" - apart from that small thing, there ARE no restrictions! They can be made from any material - glass, paper, canvas, polymer clay, pasta, dried mud, plasticine, clay, marshmallow - you name it, you can make an ACEO from it. (Although the marshmallow one might not last too long in this house...).
This is not restricted to materials - they can be created using any style and any technique - watercolors, oils, acrylics, crayons, pencil and so on and so forth.
I've just decided to have a go at cartooning - and I like it! But to start with, I'm doing them ACEO size so they don't seem like such a huge (and intimidating) venture. Below are a couple of the results of this new direction.
The first one: "But, but... I didn't do it!" is very sorta, vaguely, kinda, after Picasso...
And the second one: "She wants a drink of water" is a scenario which is scarily familiar...

My usual artwork - in ink and watercolor - can be found on prints, greeting cards, t-shirts, tote bags and more brill stuff through the following links:
Click here for ebay auctions and Buy it Now items - which includs t-shirts, tote bags, fridge magnets, greeting cards, prints and paintings.
Click here for dogs and their friends' images on all sorts of gifts and clothing and bags etc in my Cafepress shop And here for my shop on Etsy
Find me on MySpace and be my friend! I'm on Facebook too...
And have I mentioned my novel (I know I have!) - a few hours of escapist froth for your entertainment??:
Click here for Susan's novelThanks so much for looking…..